
Sunday, January 23, 2011

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The term Japanimation anime before, but now fallen into disuse. In the past, the1970 and 1980 seasons are normal. But in the 1990s, animated films in the world market, so Japanimation refers now only to domestic animation. In Europe, Japanese animation and manga, is called the Japanese comics.

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Osamu Tezuka's "Astro Boy" in 1963 was the first popular anime series. 1970's Japanese animation industry split from its Western roots and started unique genres like Giant Robots. 1980's saw a boom in anime production, and in the 1990s and 2000s saw the growing popularity of anime in overseas markets. 2003 Cheery Away won an Oscar for best animated film.

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Anime covers a wide range of genres like science fiction, romance, live action, fantasy, erotica, adventure, and even social commentary. Most Animes three formats-films, television series and original video animation. Movies released in movie theaters and the largest budget and the best picture quality. Favorite anime films include Akira and lively Away. series was syndicated and broadcast on television and the original animated film is similar to the movie on TV. There are around fan subs Animes subtitled by fans and released for download via Bit Torrent and distributed free of charge controversy. Also problematic are bootleg versions of Animes from Southeast Asia.

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