
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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The good: nine times out of ten, a CG animated film is usually the reason for this is the time and effort, but is caused due to the fact that I spent so many years of speculation. AA that Pixar, DreamWorks Animation Studios, "Monsters vs. Aliens" close, the company demonstrated the ability to deliver a high quality movie behind Pixar's lofty standards, though not quite up the grade, but the movie makes the CG. As the title suggests, a group of them to stop taking the top secret Area 51 military base on foreign soil has been on the planet comes to the demon. Release of at least one-liners and colorful characters, he is a complete monster. Both B.O.B. And Insectosaurus fun, funny, humor, and brain size, and later as a sweet gentle personality stands out in court for lack of masking.

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have a story, Susan is a super strong giant then takes him to her wedding day in a radioactive meteorite lands on the human characters (Ginormica alias), has led to a lot. Beverley Hills Cop theme, the third U.S. president is a good rip "Close Close Encounters with aliens (or the new generation, the Crazy Frog tune) starts to play as a means of communication, especially the particularly funny way. Here he is nothing short amazing performance in digital 3-D movie that separates you of others of its kind. Opposite effect to photos and movie and IMAX are themselves feel like that, clear and vivid color, this is not as heavy. 3-D is really the future of this type of movie are hoping this trend will continue in the future. Well, some of the amazing scenery and colorful characters make for an enjoyable experience with a fun movie, "Monsters vs. Aliens" is.

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Cons: it can be difficult to say quite reach the height of its genre movie, not too big CG animated films, made this statement can not be avoided. "Monsters vs. Aliens", but for better or "Finding Nemo," Pixar's "Wall-E" does not match the quality of such films. Largely because of the story because of the lack of punch and numbness, he said. Grab your interest despite the ninety minutes without a little more slowly, a little bit to go until the first two decades, is the character Susan in expenses and the rest of the movie a bit boring when the most important role. In addition, the main character comedy image of the beast of nature, more of a shame that this abuse, some parts of the film's execution is smooth. As a result of these factors, the basic concept of the film is fantastic and an incredible embarrassment for the 3-dimensional rendering of their own would have made it a memorable knockout punch, you're out.

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