Saturday, January 22, 2011
If there is no home planet, an alien sent to Earth Megamind story. Unfortunately for him, but beat her fist baby from another planet and deal with it is getting better with the rich family Megamind road and ends up landing the knockout. Megamind, criminals received by the growing gets stuck instead of a prison. The first cross-roads, as a result of a scuffle broke out between the two. Lucky baby grows, name METRO Man City hero (voiced by Brad Pitt) must adopt. Imprisonment of children to hatred and rejection, the name of their Megamind (voiced by Will Ferrell), many years later grows to be a bad guy. Against each other to spend two days, trying to get the upper hand (in vain) to infinity Megamind Subway guy. Once again, Metro man crush, press Roxanne Ritch (Tina Fey) finds herself caught in the middle. And this cycle continues again.

megamind solutions
very early in the story of the film, just out of the sheer size may not be true cliche chance (or so it seems), and ultimately successful Megamind time, no man is his enemy, the Metro. dull and boring until this cycle results in harm to the rule Megamind Metro City. (Jonah Hill), enter Titan. Megamind war created to provide for a new superhero. But as planned, and will not turn out blurry line between good and evil, and some mental stimulation to the depth and thought provoking look at the film for animation and action scenes, such as providing venture turned upside down.

megamind directions
In addition to this, but the story is cut and dry quickly enough and predictable. Megamind with an all star cast such as the amount promised, but never really shows. I never really anything to look like a fun but offers much more than pretty pictures and some supporters a fun movie overall. but, good for an hour and a half times to offer some decent family entertainment like a cliche movie would pass a short period of time results in memory.

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