
Monday, January 24, 2011

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The nature of holiday celebration offers a new movie this weekend is very low. a limited edition this year, Blue Valentine, and another thing if you are looking at a preview of bwaitda a new look at the big screen.

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Blue Valentine, Director: Derek Cianfrance, Blue Valentine, Dean (Ryan Gosling) and Cindy (Michelle Williams), born in the street to see documents related to the reflection of life in the center of a drama. If you look over a couple may feel is a great time sharing the movie Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind. Blue Valentine is expected to be useful to your target market with a cool reception hall of the Sundance buzz had a limited release. My brother is a partnership in 1998, he directed this film, recently wrote, directed the film director Derek Cianfrance.

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New Year, Director: Mike Leigh, Ten thousand years of life to enjoy life in a year, Tom (Jim Broadbent) and Gerri (Ruth Sheen), a celebration of the relationship. In this film, but a lot of stories mature movie goers enjoy target. In 2004 a happy year his well known reputation in the direction of Mike Leigh's Vera Drake, directed by Lucky 2008 that. Celebrating the great moments in his life looking for a silent movie, a good choice for the new year.

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