
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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There are few people on the planet who are still uncertain, because these sites are so popular. Facebook and MySpace are giants on the World Wide Web, most people have one or the other, and some have both. These pages are used to connect with friends and family near and far, as well as the creation of new "friends". Depending on where they used a certain freedom in designing your profile page, MySpace allows for great creativity, including background music, where Facebook is a little 'easier to Jane.

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What most of these social networks have in common is the ability to share your life in pictures, comments and messages to large numbers of people around the world. It is now the top draw and appeal when Facebook was just used in several universities from Harvard.

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Today, however, Facebook is the way people communicate, both good and bad. It is not uncommon to see a full-scale war in the pages of the site between two or more people. Pictures, comments and messages can be very revealing and ugly and it's hard to imagine how many people is watching the drama from afar in silence.

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