
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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karate kid 2010

Karate Kid, but much kung fu, karate, producers have decided to retain the name of greater nostalgia, so 1984 is based on the original film. Unlike the original, it was taken in China, Karate Kid. You are like a trip through the streets of Beijing and the atmosphere can get a great sense of feeling that Dr. Dre and his class visit the Forbidden City. Mr Khan teachings, but because of bad dialogue may fall a little flat when you can not help but cheer at the end of Dre enter the ring for the last fight.

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New Karate Kid story is a bit original has changed. In 2010, Karate Kid, Dre Parker and his mother move into China, he gets a new job after losing faith in failing economy in Detroit. Cheng was led by Dr. Dre is a powerful fighter kung fu is targeted by a gang of children difficult.

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Dr. Dre, but he can be faster Cheng and his gang remain vulnerable to martial art skills. continues every day during school and after beating and Dre never want to come to China begins. Fortunately, Dr. Dre, China is not so bad. Mei Ying, Dr. Dre beginning befriends a pretty enthusiastic violinist. Unfortunately, Chen Mei Ying is a childhood friend and happens to be consorting with Dre and his longtime crush does not take kindly. Mei Ying, Dr. Dre and even harder to spot the band seems to come out on time.

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