Friday, January 7, 2011
final fantasy vii dirge of cerberus movie
It is almost time for us to get the latest step in the "Compilation of Final Fantasy VII 'Crisis Core PSP game. Among the fans, who are world renowned Square Enix's Final Fantasy RPG series, the Seventh Framework Programme, also probably the best known and most loved. Was Final Fantasy VII, released in 1997, the first Final Fantasy game will appear in 3D on any platform, and also the first time will be available on the Western players. The game clocked up an average of 40 + hour game, full of love, laughter, tragedy and unforgettable characters. Testament to the game that even now, 11 years from the first to go in our lives, that Final Fantasy VII is still strong, continued with a string of games, animated films and merchandise is still popular. As already mentioned, Final Fantasy VII is one of the few game series that exceeded one game, midwives continuing in various media formats. Before the crisis, the mobile game based on targeting the Turks, in the original game featuring the organization a major role in world history, Final Fantasy VII. Cerberus dirge game was continuing to focus on Vincent Valentine, a character from the original parties. And now, Crisis Core, awaited prequel to the game focuses on Zack Fair, a character seen through the memories of the first Final Fantasy VII.

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I'm not here to review the game as I have not played it yet, but the hype is building and there is no generally favorable reviews yet. It would be easy to assume that this game will rock the foundations of the gaming world, but to become a famous Castleconnell Final Fantasy VII, but will be short sighted. Square Enix is hard to learn how these pre game Dirge Cerberus. On paper, it was so good, Vincent Valentine, the character of dark, mysterious and amazing secrets of the original game getting its own extra-title. The facts, however, result in an unbearably repetitive shooter and fundamentally, our characters running through a boring locale (an opportunity to return to the important places from Final Fantasy VII was used by a criminal) do essentially the same formal level and sophistication. He was involved in the story, cut scenes were amazing but the gameplay itself left much to be desired.

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After the lukewarm acceptance of Cerberus Dirge, Crisis Core was in danger of being viewed in the same light. However, Crisis Core is a prequel to talk with fans at various levels. Participants will visit the incident scene and signaled the original version, the tragic story of Zack Fair is a first hand. Anyone who played the original knows, no doubt about the outcome of this game, and it promises to be a moving experience, regardless of the game.

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This all leads to the representation of game development as a whole. Video games are no longer just about immediate redress through the game, but they are branching into media complex story with a strong voice. RPG, of course, it is expected that integration and related story, where the games will add to the experience, rather than governing. The trick is finding the right balance, followed by a dynamic story is great, but if the game is the player will feel cheated, hours of plodding through the levels as a means to an end. On the other hand playing can still be a brilliant experience is strangely empty if the value is greater involvement of their actions. For all their hits, and in the past, let's hope Square Enix to get the right balance of Crisis Core. If video game ever deserve such treatment, this is it.