Wednesday, January 19, 2011
constantine movie wiki
The title character, John Constantine, played extremely well with Keanu Reeves as not interested in the bad boy who likes to give the devil his finger when he can do what makes this movie so special. This is a classic anti-hero. It does not help the innocent pure altruism, he has to buy his way back to heaven. Because of their special gift to see angels and demons in the real world, Constantine attempted suicide when she was a child and as such, was sent straight to hell. However, only doctors managed to revive him, and as such he was pulled back in the real world. After learning that, while he was alive, it's still going to hell, because it is still technically considered a suicide, Constantine goes to work for God, angels and demons to deport, which violate the rules in hell, all the while hoping that this "service" had him back to God's good books. This is a fresh take heroic character, especially since he is portrayed Keanu Reeves as the guy who really does not care what happens. One of the coolest aspects of this film is that it's all very scary stuff going on, but he just waltzes like it the next day at the office and take care of business without giving it a second thought. One especially good scene when he plays at the beginning of the film attraction, where he extracts from the demon girl, he gives the finger daemon before sending it on its way back to hell. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the story is that Constantine was actually dying from lung cancer due to his excessive smoking. As such, you do not even think the second is the risk of all of these fantastic items. On the contrary, you are waiting to see if it is really going to see him until the end of cancer before his death.

constantine movie cast
Rachel Weisz plays Angela, a tough cop is outraged by the apparent suicide of her twin sister Isabel. He was shocked when his soul commands the Church to be banished from the kingdom of God, suicide. Finally, the path crosses that of Constantine, and together they track down what really happened to Isabel journey leads them back to the treasure site, son of the devil, that she can bring hell on earth. Weisz plays with toughness and a sense of empathy character, and serves as the conscience of the whole history of Constantine. In many respects, if it were not for her character, Constantine has gone to hell.

constantine movie review
One can not comment on this movie without the devil, as portrayed in film. It is very different, slimey characters this time around, but he manages to instill that sense of fun and danger. Constantine is the soul of the Devil's only really come to Earth to collect himself. In addition to an interesting twist, it seems that it conflicts with his son, who wants to usurp his father's kingdom on earth, and hell itself. But the devil's relationship with Konstantin that makes it all worth it. Even here, Constantine could not care less what he was talking, and at the end of the day, Constantine gets the last laugh, all the while giving him the finger.

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