
Saturday, January 22, 2011

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juegos de doraemon

Most games are designed, difficult, and add thousands of new graphics, this amazing game is a classic as the original design is quite an icon in itself. Based on a Japanese TV show, the basic idea is always different levels to be completed as quickly as possible.

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Different levels of the game, some villains and bosses to end your trip. The idea here is to survive quite easily, either directly or move into a slower pace to avoid being captured. The first game had no cheat codes, but newer versions of a lot of pages where you can jump from very different places have it.

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The first level codes include the use of computer time. With this cheat you can avoid the introduction of the animation here. This cheat is pretty easy, just press A and B. Even if you want to jump from one level to another, the same A and B buttons simultaneously, that jump here. You can easily skip the lengthy intro here, just as the game started right away.

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