
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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The movie Forrest Gump director Robert Zemeckis was released in 1994. Tom Hanks, who played Gump won his second Oscar for Best Actor. This is one of those films that you watch again, and it's a bit hard to explain why. Yes, it's bizarre, and some consider funny points. Some guests like to mention errors in the storyline or how much certain parts of the story. But I think the essence of this film.

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For me the message. Funny movie with a message. Note that the most important thing in life. At one point in the movie Forrest says that the love of his life, Jenny, I'm not a man, but I know what love is.

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Gump was not a reasonable person in the world standards. He IQ 75. Some call him a fool and his famous retort was "not stupid, as stupid does." Although the world may be called stupid Gump character, he knew what love is. He threatened his life, love Lieutenant Dan. When he heard that his mother was lying on his deathbed, he ran home. Literally, he ran home to be with her. And he always keeps Jenny, no matter what life and eventually find her.

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