
Thursday, March 31, 2011

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An orphaned boy, Champion, is raised by his grandmother, Madame Souza. Your gift of a tricycle starts a craze for cycling, which became the cornerstone of their life together. After years of relentless training, the champion made the Tour de France, but mysteriously kidnapped by a pair of crooks claim.

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Supported by her faithful dog Bruno, Madame Souza left to save her beloved Champion. An epic adventure leads them across the Atlantic for a large port city of Belleville, headquarters of the famous French Mafia. Lost and confused in the threatening darkness of the big city, Madame Souza and Bruno meet the Triplets of Belleville.

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In his youth, a close harmony act glamorous, these three batty old women are a jazz combo weird. Madame Souza joined the group. In his first show, she discovers champion is held captive by the mob boss! All hell breaks loose, and the hunt begins!

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