
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Created by Ross Bagdasarian, a senior in 1958, Alvin and the Chipmunks is a five times Grammy-winning animated music group. Group consisted of three talking squirrels (Alvin, mischievous unbearable, Simon, smart glasses and Theodore, chubby lover). In the past, the proteins were shown cartoons now appear in the full length movie as anthropomorphic squirrels.

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The film begins on a farm, where three tree squirrels store acorns for singing, and in winter time "Bad Day" (Daniel Powter). A few seconds after they cut down trees and brought to Los Angeles where he is in the recording of Jett Records, and with tinsel and Christmas tree decorations and packaging. Write to the tree and jump to Cart Dave Seville (which the singer and songwriter), only to be thrown into the basket with a basket.

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After escaping from the waste and ruin all his house, chipmunks and found out. They stand by the window and sing songs. Dave opens the box, and then leaves them Explain to them that they should sing the song to remain there overnight. Even if they do, Dave lost his job and his girlfriend, became the biggest pop sensation in the world has ever seen and to give his job and his girlfriend back Dave. But soon after their first performance record executive Ian Hawk family begins to collapse. Hawke takes chipmunks on the road without realizing harm to their vocal cords. At the same time that Dave is doing? And what will his little family?

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