
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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Schools in England in the nineteenth century were brutal and uncompromising institutions. Lowood School of Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre is one of the girls school typical of that era, and the play was performed by the author's personal experiences at the Clergy Daughters School, located at Cowan Bridge, a village in the county of Lancashire.

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When the pharmacy, Mr. Lloyd Jane inquire if the child would go to school, the protagonist recalls his nurse observations Bessie the school to be "a place where young ladies sat in the stocks, wore a back boards and should be much and accurate fashion ".

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Bessie comments echo the reality of many girls who attend school at the beginning of the nineteenth century, and going some way to anticipate exhausting experiences of Lowood in Jane, where students are being persecuted, and housing, sanitation and the rules are all a very poor quality. These issues are clearly illustrated in several steps, such as burnt porridge served for breakfast to the girls: "I saw a universal manifestation of discontent when the fumes of the meal met the nostrils of those destined to devour " (I, 5, p.45 ), and the lack of heating the building: "This morning we were forced to make a ceremony of washing: the water in the pitchers was frozen".

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