
Monday, March 14, 2011

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I saw this film for the first time today, June 1, 2009 I could not bring myself to see it before, looking forward to viewing the horrors and violence. Lieutenant General, Romeo Dallaire, the Canadian courageous man, saw the possibility of peaceful Rwanda, the possibility that its citizens are not seen clearly enough.

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This is a true story about how hundreds of thousands of Rwandans were composed of two tribes, Hutu and Tutsi, were killed and maimed each other, mostly Hutu, Tutsi harm. Now the government of Belgium colonized Rwanda, and they were the first to initiate the split between the two tribes lived peacefully until Belgiums came. Belgiums use the media to spread fear and hatred of one tribe over another,and people were not strong enough to resist.

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When Belgium left the country, as people die from murder, his departure was the highest severity, managed to establish the people against themselves, they could no longer tolerate what happened. And when Romeo Dallaire was given the impossible task of entry as commander in chief, he said: "I took control of the country." He may not realize that you can not control people's minds, have their own ideas to bring them the emotional equivalent of what they think. Nobody has control over another person really is.

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