
Saturday, March 12, 2011

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Since 2010 this week in San Diego Comicon, had a lot of notice in the entertainment world. While many fans went Gaga for the new trailer for the Tron Legacy or was blinded by a surprising number of comic films and panels was a minor character who is very quietly made a huge stir in the world of Lego.

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Sitting astride a camel diorama Prince of Persia Lego seated figure of Jack Sparrow, Captain Jack Sparrow, to be exact, and he looked very, very cool. Of course, there have been rumors about the new Pirates of the Caribbean Lego sets as well as Lego and Disney have joined forces to produce sets based on the Pixar films and live action movie Prince of Persia. Not only that, but they ended Pirates of the popular set free, giving place to another "Pirates of the built in sense of humor and popularity.

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But only a rumor that has not been proved beyond doubt, and this weekend, the fans gave the first sign of evidence. Jack Sparrow minifig is as cool as you want it. Johnny Depp played a character with such elegance and costumes spot-on so that it would be difficult to reproduce the crash in fact, Jack Sparrow, if you've done something very wrong, but the Lego designers have done it again and gave the room just exudes cool manic.

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