
Sunday, March 6, 2011

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transformers dark of the moon entertainment tonight

With 2011 fast approaching, Transformers legion of fans around the world waiting anxiously awaiting the release of their third and final film in the franchise. Due to hit theaters on July 1, 2011, Transformers: The Dark of the Moon brings new cast members Shia LeBeouf staple, Frances McDormand, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro and others together under the guidance of director Michael Bay. In addition, this new film also debuted as a substitute Megan Fox and former Victoria Secret model Rosie Huntington Whiteley as the female lead (Sat interest Witwicky loves us.)

transformers 3,transformers 3 trailer
transformers dark of the moon full movie

Of course, this could be a Transformers movie without, well, giant robots from Cybertron battle! Visitors can expect to see the movie Autobot leader Optimus Prime, Bumblee Bee, Iron Hide, Sideswipe battle the Decepticons again. As confirmed entries, fan favorite Shockwave will guide all the bad guys this time.

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transformers dark of the moon dinobots

Trailer of the film has also started to spread on the Internet and looks promising so far. So, despite the greater amount of negative feedback that he received the second film, this new film shows a great potential. It seems that Michael Bay and all the cast members are determined to put things right this time.

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