
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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When Henry Selick's film "Coraline" finally reaches the big screen in Australia I had a chance to go and see it as a 3-D version. Since the "Coraline" is a fully animated 3-D movie glasses made the film seem more realistic and vivid. Not many tricks, 3-D where the jump of your seat, if something seems to fly by on your screen, but instead I feel more like you're in the story.

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Neil Gaiman is the story of "Coraline" tells the story of Coraline Jones, who moves to a new city and the house where several strange characters live. Coraline parents seem to have much time for her and Coraline is to explore her new surroundings. The house is a small door, which seems to lead to the unknown with a brick wall behind him to discover. But the little mouse at the door late at night, suddenly opens into a parallel world that is much more colorful and fun than the real world. It is easy to compare the scene with "Alice in Wonderland." Coraline crawls through a tunnel under the ground reminds Alice tumbling through the rabbit hole after the White Rabbit.

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The world that opens in the second end of the tunnel is substantially similar to the true home of Coraline, but that's where the similarity ends. In this' other world 'Coraline' the other parents, who look like her real parents, but they act quite differently. They have all the time in the world of Coraline, which degrades the food and feed to their favorite cake, presents, etc. The only visible difference is that my parents 'other parents' buttons for eyes have it. Actually, most people are buttons for eyes. And that scary for Coraline, who 'other parents' hope discovers her stay with them forever. But that has big brown eyes to replace the buttons as well!

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