
Saturday, March 19, 2011

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Smurfette was seen by some as the product of a misogynist mind that wants to undermine feminism and female achievement ignore. It certainly can not be that way. Smurfette figure is exaggerated as that of the Smurfs (eg, drilling and arrogant Brainy Smurf), simply for comic effect and nothing more.

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There is a rumor that the Baby Smurf was caught swearing, and it seems to stem from a Canadian toy, the talking baby Smurf Berry Lasvin. The investigations have argued that it was just a bad case of hearing from someone.

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And the rumor that Jack Black is a Smurf? A friend of Jack smurfed this proposal, saying the idea was about as credible the theory that all humanity evolved from bacteria left on Earth when the aliens fell to a picnic on their way through our galaxy.

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