
Sunday, February 6, 2011

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X Men First Class

Before Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr named Professor X and Magneto, they found two young men, their powers for the first time. Before they were bitter enemies, their closest friends, working together with other mutations (some familiar and new) to prevent the greatest threat the world has ever known. In the process, a split has opened between them, began the eternal war between the Brotherhood and Magneto Professor X X-Men.

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X Men First Class

Another consideration when Xavier and Magneto younger. The site where it all began. Deductibles for such a thriller, it might be a good story going on and provide a range of entertaining and touching story. In addition, written movies such as andStardust Kick Ass, Matthew Vaughn, in my opinion, much more professional to make a movie like this to say, than Jon Favreau or so. Puff, Vaughn also under his belt interesting director, but so many shows that he also learned made Lock, and Two Smoking Barrels andSnatch. Moreover, his friendship and learning under great Guy Ritchie, just keep on increasing the value of his role as director. Meanwhile, the authors have given us such films as Kick Ass Stardustand and television shows like Fringe and Chuck. In addition, he has good casting.

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X Men First Class

Well, the authors also gave us Sarah Connor Chronicles andAndromeda. Also, sometimes sykvely usually do very well. That is, sometimes, as if prequel as a last resort, when all the writers about where the current story can go, so they decided to go back and cash in the name again by filling in some distance from the beginning. I think only time will tell if this becomes Batman Begins (prequel that is a very good film that did very well to restart the franchise), or falls according to the Scorpion King (ie, complete waste of my time, but probably should not " not even that.)

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