Monday, February 21, 2011

the resident 2011 bluray
Although many films based on human disorders and psychotic disorders, the resident is still unique in its treatment of the topic intimacy, love, sex and obsession are all the same weight age.

the resident 2011 cover
It is a beautifully made film about how one can never be sure who the daily routine of monitoring what time with what intentions. It's also the fact that many sweet gestures can be interpreted in an undesirable manner by seemingly healthy people they react stupid and dangerous.

the resident 2011 dvdrip
Dr. Juliet Dermer (Hilary Swank) moves to a new apartment and after some days he feels that she is not alone in its place. Do you miss the alarm and often feel that some outside influence is also the case in his sleep. He finally finds his owner Max (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) has hosted an obsession for her passionate and angry.

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