
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

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inception 2010

When the foundation of the world, corporate espionage has taken a new turn. Now the "towed" takes place in a dream world of the rich and powerful and protected escape their secrets.Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) is one such sink is very good at what he does. In addition, the pointman Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and his team, House has acquired a number of mining. The house is a fugitive, so they can return to their country and be with their children about the dark secrets of the past. So when the shadows industrialist who offer Mr. Saito (Ken Watanebe) title of work, which, if successfully completed, finally allow him to return home, Cobb can not say "no." Job offers p. Site unlike anything that I have ever been found, that is, planting the idea of someone's head instead of stealing it. The goal is Robert Fisher (Cillian Murphy), a link competition. A new team together successfully in the work, including Eames, forger (Tom Hardy), Yousef, a pharmacist (Dileep Rao) and Ariadne (Ellen Page) who creates a dream where the architect beginning to end. The work itself is not a walk in the park, which began with the successful implementation of the various layers of dreams will be created. When House and his team are pursuing the dream that everything goes according to plan. The deeper the company is becoming more dangerous mission. Soon they realize that if they do not work, they may be forever stuck in a dream and wander around with nothing but emptiness for all eternity.

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leo dicaprio inception

At the beginning of a masterpiece, a complex maze of plot that should be the full attention of the audience deciphered. Nolan crafted as a unique film with different layers that can easily confuse the average audience. It takes about 15 - 20 minutes, the audience to get their bearings and Nolan understands that the real heist begins 50 minutes all the time and gives the audience a crash course in the world because it is, he created the world that, as a place where life comes to a above the other, in a world where trains tears through the city streets, where individual buildings to tear paper.

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inception movie

The review is necessary to repeat as the movie audience to truly understand the different layers of storylines that Nolan masterfully created, but one thing is for sure, the film can be confusing, at one point, four different stories at once, and they are all related to each other and the result determines Other . so the results only encouraged viewers to visit the toilet before entering the theater. Began to appear along one of the best fight scenes all the time, but to implement this perspective, all the pictures in the fight ever took place on the screen, one is probably the best. He fights, zero gravity between Arthur and one of the target forecast. It will completely blow your mind, but it is not just a platform. All enforcement action set pieces dropping.The jaw scences are precise and complex as the audience is left dumbstruck, The film launched the career defining Christopher Nolan's. This is a film. Vision truly astounding. Right from the time when released in 2000 Memento, Nolan continued to establish itself as one of the best directors of all time and the foundation is a status that is Stanley Kubrick Our Times. "Should begin to do what was not the Dark Knight, Nolan getting much deserved Oscar. In 40 he is young, compared to the time it is completed, it will leave everyone behind.

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