
Friday, February 25, 2011

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transformers revenge of the fallen

Transformer is a familiar name for all anime fans, who were born in 1980 in the world, I suppose. Everything that you are a fan anime collectable toys, or movie buff, you'll be familiar with this element. Transformers series has been with us 26 years from the first anime released in 1984. This is a long time. Similarly, many fans of transformers currently not that old series.

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Now it's time for Transformers 3, the new film will be in cinemas from July 1 next year. I think all fans of Transformers they want to look at the new blockbuster. All they expect to enjoy a new robot control as soon as possible. For me, I'm one of them. I hope that tomorrow is opening day. I have pictures I was sitting in cinemas in Nice wearing 3D-glasses to see fantastic films.

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transformers 3 characters

But I can not change reality. It is 2010 now, have another year to wait for the movie. So allow me to recognize more details on Transformers 3. This is a good way for me to kill time waiting for the boring. This is a 3D movie director Michael Bay, who is director of the last two episodes. In addition, he was released by Paramount film company. He will speak July I, 2011. This is information you can get in the newspaper, like all news from all movies. Not interested, not interested.

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