
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Edward in the film seems safe, nervous and volatile. Edward believes the book is perfectly cool. But he introduced the well-being close combat the smell of Bella Edward. Besides, who could better describe the view of the face, the book was beautiful Edward. The actor, who holds with an edge. X Factor I do not feel she was in love with Edward. I think that people who watched the film yet read the book, will wonder why he started hanging out with him after she learned he was a vampire. There was even a book about how she dreamed about Edward every night, how she really loves him despite his vampireness blah, blah, blah. Well, shut up.

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The music was great. They put her in each scene perfectly. Bella lullaby played often throughout the film, and it was nice. Production company that produces this film does not seem polite to that budget so they were very clear twilight round the ordinary reader, as I could tell. However, as the film. He is faithful to tell, and he lived up to his actions. It was like reading a book again.

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Jacob! My favorite character was well suited for the job. I can not wait for the next movie because of him. I suppose fighting for pain love Bella's Jacob is a wolf. His character really puts me in the legs of the main characters almost happy story, love. And Alice! How could I forget my favorite character! So beautiful, elegant and "optimistic." The actress was meant for the job. I love her black hair spikes music and her voice is always high and probably an octave the ears.

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