
Sunday, July 17, 2011

spirit stallion of the cimarron soundtrack lyrics

Spirit Stallion of The Cimarron Album

The film begins with a brief introduction with a bald eagle, the home of the Mustangs, which corresponds to several western U.S. national parks. There's a scene with the birth of Dun Kiger Mustang Spirit (expressed in his stories by Matt Damon). Spirit grows quickly to a stallion, and slips into the role of the leader of the herd, whose duty it is, the herd safely. It turned out he had to save two foals by a mountain lion.

spirit stallion of the cimarron pictures

Spirit Stallion of The Cimarron Blu Ray

Spirit is a courageous leader, but has a wicked serious vein, and a high degree of curiosity. Spotting a camp one evening not far from his herd, the stallion is not able, his curiosity and moves to control it, as he had never seen one. Spirit of surprise are the people (maybe Wranglers) malignant. After a long chase, he was captured and a U.S. cavalry post. While taking this time in the film, the Indian army to fight the wars and the soon to western United States. There, he meets: "The Colonel" (voiced by James Cromwell). Colonel Mustang tries to hold back, but the mind controls all the attempts to ride, which ultimately leads to the Colonel ordered him shackled one place for three days and nights without food or water trick. During this time, a Lakota named Little Creek (voiced by Daniel Studi) in the fortress and prison, because the same treatment as the mind itself. Through the days and nights a feeling of friendship between them began. Finally, the colonel was time for the fragile spirit, still managed to break a fight to bring, but was eventually forced to back down and walk in the spring, while the triumphant return of Colonel, but rather to adopt smart this situation is a metaphor for how can overcome anything, including be the Wild West, with the fraction of the seemingly invincible spirit as an example.

spirit stallion of the cimarron lyrics

Spirit Stallion of The Cimarron Book

When he did that, mind finally decided that enough, and surprised at the careless colonel gave him the joy of all the other horses trapped. The colonel, furious and humiliated, then he took a gun and prepares to shoot mind, due to lack of timely intervention of Little Creek, whose friends had managed to throw him a knife to free itself. Through a series of events, Little Creek and Spirit, along with some army horse, then fled the post. Little Creek's own paint mare, rain, along with other Indians are loosely trapped spirit.

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