
Thursday, July 14, 2011

new beavis and butthead episodes

Beavis and Butthead Do America Blu Ray

After a surreal dream-like Godzilla, Beavis and Butt-Head to the fact that someone stole their TV. The couple then began a mission to replace it. After the theft and destruction of a television in the school (in their suspension) and the breaking of the TV in a motorhome Tom Anderson, who then in a low quality motel that advertises "televisions in every room." There he meets the drunken Muddy Grimes (Bruce Willis) who are waiting for two boys hit, the same guys who stole Beavis and Butt-head TV, his wife's murder in Dallas.

beavis butthead do america

Beavis and Butthead Do America Cast

Muddy thinking Beavis and Butt-Head is a contract killer, they say they are "doing" (killing) his wife. Remember that by "doing" means muddy "score with a" head-to-head Beavis convinced that both can "score". Muddy then hands a photograph of Dallas with instructions on where to find it. Beavis asks if they can watch TV first, then shoot and Muddy. He drove them to the airport in his Lincoln Continental Mark V to the plane to catch in her room hotel on the Las Vegas Strip. During the air, both Beavis and Butt-Head Beavis and can cause chaos consumed huge amounts of caffeine pills given to him by an elderly woman (Cloris Leachman). Then turns into Cornholio, and almost caused the plane crash when barges are in the cockpit and the fear of the pilots.

watch beavis and butthead do america

Beavis and Butthead Do America DVD

After causing a stir lightly into a casino in Las Vegas, the boys find themselves in their hotel room, next to the room the women hunt, Dallas Grimes (voiced by Demi Moore). Dallas quickly realized that they had no idea what they are actually taken. While Beavis and Butt-head began to argue over who "do" Dallas before the police came to arrest her. Thinking quickly, she plants stolen biological weapon known as "X-5 Unit" in Beavis pants to get rid of these tests. He gets their tickets for a tour bus in Washington, DC and his command were waiting for them in the capital of the United States and leaves them "his" there.

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